Wednesday 16 April 2014

Destination Review: The Park

So this is what it sounds like, when doves fly.

Back when I was a young baby half my age, Mamamamama and Dadada would occasionally place me in a motorized swing at home.  There was a lot wrong with that swing, namely that it (a) wasn't Mamamamama or Dadada, and (b) came with sound effects akin to either sloshing around in a small mud puddle or disturbing a large group of small yet surprisingly irate birds (normally I love birds, but I felt under imminent threat from that flock).  So imagine my surprise when just this past weekend, Mamamamama and Dadada made the bold decision to put me in a swing at "The Park". 

The Park is an interesting place.  Lots of people frequent The Park - people my size, people just slightly bigger, people much bigger, and furry people that bark and run around a lot.

Once I had been lulled into a false sense of security that we were just "going for a walk" in a place with less cars and more benches, I was stealthily transferred from the comfort of my stroller to a seat suspended thousands of feet above the ground. 

I have to admit, I was skeptical at first...even a little nervous...but then...Mamamamama placed her hand behind me and gave me a little push.  The rush!  The freedom!  The joy!!  All of a sudden my affinity for birds made sense - I was flying and it was amazing!  I haven't laughed that much since one of our cats walked into my room last week (for those of you who haven't seen a cat walk into a room, it's HYSTERICAL).

Bottom line: WHEEEEeeeeee....!  WHEEEeeeee....!  WHEEEeeeee....!

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