Monday 28 April 2014

Activity Review: Clapping

Are those hands or are those hummingbird wings?!
I've started to notice that I can do stuff.  Like actually accomplish things.  One of those things is making Mamamamama and Dadada cheer "Yaaayyy!" and clap on command.  This is useful for so many reasons, the first and foremost of which is that it makes me super super happy.  The key to getting a cheerclap out of either or both of Mamamamama and Dadada is really quite straightforward, and I'll share it with you here, dear reader, because everyone should be able to elicit cheerclaps whenever they need a sweet pick-me-up (read: NON-STOP).

The secret is: clap your own hands together.  

That's it!  Seems too good to be true doesn't it?!  It isn't.  It's real, and it's that easy.

I figured this out just the other day and I'm not kidding, any time I clap my hands together Mamamamama and Dadada cheerclap along with me.  It's so delightful I can't even handle it.

Here are my of tips for executing the perfect clap:

Take each of your hands and bring them together enthusiastically several times while maintaining eye contact with your Mamamamama or Dadada.  We're not looking for perfect technique here.  Your enthusiasm will make up for whatever you lack in skill and accuracy.  Smile a lot and look especially proud of yourself each time you manage to bring those hands together.  I guarantee your day will be full of cheerclaps aplenty.

Bottom Line: WHEEE!!!  Yaaaayyyy!  Yaaaayyy! Yaaayyy!  Yaaayyy!  Yaaaaaayyy!  Yaaaaayyy!  Yaaaaayyyy!  Yaaaayyy!  Yaaayy!  Yaaaaaayyyy!  Yaaayyy!  Yaayy!  Yaaaaayyyy!  And so on.

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