Thursday 27 March 2014

Destination Review: The Pool

I'm basically part fish.

Guys.  GUYS.  The Pool.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, The Pool is an extra large bathtub - all play, no scrubbing.  What it lacks in soap, The Pool makes up for in fun.  Here are just SOME of the fun things that happen in The Pool:

1. Mamamamama puts her face in the water.  IN THE WATER!  Can you imagine?
2. Seriously.  She puts it in the water.  The water gets on her face.  Oh man, you should see it.
3. Other babies' Mamamamamas and Dadadas put their faces in the water.
4. Some Mamamamamas and Dadadas, including my own, blow bubbles when their faces are in the water. Pretty much the greatest thing ever.

Less fun things that happen in The Pool:

1. My face goes in the water. 

Bottom line:  WHEEE!!!  Totally worth the bundled-up stroller ride in winter.

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