Thursday 27 March 2014

Book Review: Busy Day

This dino has places to be.
I consider myself to be a pretty lucky baby.  Among many other fantastic routines, Mamamamama and Dadada read me 2 books every morning.  Count 'em.  2.  Seriously, please count them because I don't know how and there are no fact checkers working on this blog.

Generally I love books.  In case you are not familiar with books, they have pictures, letters, colours, pages, covers and flavours (note: the flavours are usually the same, consisting primarily of paper and fingerprints, with hints of cherry and oak and finishing on soft notes of apricot and vanilla).

My favourite book of all time has to be Busy Day - from the Look and Learn series illustrated by Jan Lewis and devised and produced by Tucker Slingsby Ltd.

This is a really good book.  You can tell I enjoy a book because, like you, I wave my arms about excitedly and squeal as soon as I see it.

This book sets out one busy day in the life of a bunch of dinosaurs.   SPOILER ALERT - It's a REALLY BUSY DAY.  The dinos wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, do a bunch of things at school, go grocery shopping, come home, and go to bed because they are exhausted from all the things they did all day.  I can't emphasize enough how busy this day is.  Not only do they bake cakes, but they eat them.  They learn in class, play music, paint, play a racing game, take the bus, the list goes on and on.  The biggest drawback of this story is that I'm pretty sure some of my favourite dinos from the other Look and Learn books do not get to have a busy day because they are in the sausages the carnivore student dinosaurs are eating at lunch.  The one herbivore at the table looks to be eating his salad pretty nervously.

Bottom line: WHEEE!!! Crawl, don't walk, to your nearest bookstore to pick up a copy of Busy Day.  It's full of twists and turns you never see coming, no matter how many times it's read to you.

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