Tuesday 19 August 2014

Destination Review: Prince Edward Island

Perfect.  Exquisite.  Idyllic.

Mamamamama, Dadada and I just got back from our summer vacation on Prince Edward Island.  You've probably heard all sorts of bucolic tales of life on PEI and I can confirm that every single one is true.  We spent the week in a cottage by the Ocean, enjoying food like blueberries and corn off the cob.  A bunch of our family and friends came to stay in cottages right nearby, so it was non-stop fun and affection all week.  Lots of babies and kids and grown-ups available to share a laugh and a snuggle.

Obviously it would not be difficult to label this as one of the best weeks of the 54 weeks I've been around, but it did not come without its glitches.  First of all, PEI is not like home.  You can not jump in the stroller and get wherever you need to go.  You have to be strapped into a car to get most places.  Being strapped into a car is pretty much my least favourite thing ever, next to eating strawberries (gross).  You can tell it is pretty much my least favourite thing ever because I yell at you the entire time I am being forced to do it.  Full-on yell at you.  Then I cry.  Then I yell some more.  I definitely don't get tired out enough to nap.  I should, but I don't.  Hours can go by.  Hours and hours.  But I'll just keep yelling.  Serves you right for strapping me into a car. 

The second glitch is the fact that I had to sleep in a room that was not my bedroom.  If it's not my bedroom, I'm not a fan.  Even if you make it seem as much like my room as you can given the limited resources available to you at a little cottage in the middle of nowhere, you can't fool this baby.  I wasn't born yesterday.  I was born 54 weeks ago.  I've seen a lot.  I know when a room is not my bedroom (interesting fact: 99% of rooms are not my bedroom).

All that said, PEI is beautiful and warm and friendly and pretty.  There is a bustling downtown area in Charlottetown for you urbanites, and plenty of rolling hills and red sand beaches just minutes away for those of you who eschew the hustle and bustle of a city in the summer.  At this point in my life, I like everything, everywhere, so this place is pretty much right up my alley.

Bottom Line: WHEEE!!!  PEI should stand for Perfect Escape for Infant.

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