Wednesday 23 July 2014

Activity Review: Pulling My Cat's Tail

Oh this guy...
Those of you who follow my blog are well aware of how much I love the cats that I live with.  Here's a little background on these fantastic roommates of mine...:  There are two of them.  One is white and one is orange and white.  They make a sound like this: "meeeowwww" (sometimes Mamamamama imitates the sound for me and her impersonation is spot on and quite enjoyable).  The cats are very funny (examples of hilarious things they do include sitting, walking, and walking then sitting).  While the white one (let's call him "Cat") is remarkably good at avoiding me at all costs, the orange and white one (let's call him "Other Cat") loves to snuggle with me and the feeling is super mutual. 

Sometimes I can get Other Cat to make a sound like this: "Raaaaooooorrrrawwww".  I've determined that this sound can be elicited through a healthy tail pull and that it means "High Fives!" because it is most often accompanied by Other Cat smacking me with his hand.  Other Cat has terrible aim, but I think if I keep up the tail pulls we can eventually improve his accuracy and get some stellar hand-to-hand high fives going.

Whenever I pull Other Cat's tail Mamamamama and/or Dadada usually look concerned and say things like "the cat doesn't like that".  Oh really?!  Well, as the British say, "Blocks!!" (did I pronounce that right?).  Other Cat and I are best buddies and I'm pretty sure my best buddy would let me know if he didn't like having his tail pulled!

Bottom Line: WHEEE!!!  You could try to tell me cats don't like having their tails pulled, but I think you'd be pulling my leg (which I would not enjoy).

Thursday 10 July 2014

Toy Review: Fake Cellphone

Oh hey guys, eavesdrop much?!
Like most Mamamamamas and Dadadas, Mamamamama and Dadada have smartphones.  They use those smartphones to take pictures of me, play music for me, have video calls with Grandma and Peepa, and CRUELLY TAUNT ME WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF UNHINDERED SCREEN SWIPING.

Every time I get close to one of their smartphones, they move it away from me.  The few times I've gotten my hands on one, and begun the glorious practice of screen swiping and icon pressing, it has been quickly whisked away and replaced with the toy pictured above.

Are you kidding me with this doodoo?!  Here's what's wrong with my "cellphone":

1. The screen is tiny and has no colour.  Also, it cannot be swiped and has no icons to press.
2. It is constantly on speakerphone mode.  Call me cautious but I don't want my private conversations broadcast willy nilly around the house.  If I want to tell the unknown voice on the other end of the line about what Slobber Bear (my favourite snuggly stuffed teddy) said about Mona the Monkey (handmade for me by my wonderful Auntie M), I certainly don't want Henrietta Hippo (another Auntie M special) to overhear.  She's sweet, but can NOT keep a secret.
3. This thing rings constantly.  There is no silent or vibrate mode.  I can't bring it anywhere.  Imagine how embarrassed I'd be if a call came through during my Rainbow Songs baby music class?!  So disruptive!
4. It's NOT A REAL PHONE.  What am I?  A newborn?!  I can tell the difference between an awesome real smartphone and a fake toy cellphone.  No matter how lovely the music it plays is or how inviting the friendly voices are, can I accidentally call one of Mamamamama's clients on it, or somehow, inexplicably, figure out how to access the App Store and randomly download an "identify this bird" App?  No.  No I can not. 

Bottom Line:  WAAAH!!!  Nice try Mamamamama and Dadada.  Nice try.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Activity Review: Pulling Everything Off of Every Shelf, Ever.

Notice I am not reaching for The Gruffalo.

Now that I've mastered crawling and pulling myself up to kneeling and standing positions, the world has become 200% bigger and better.  True story.  The best thing about a bigger and better world is that it comes with shelves (and drawers), and those shelves (and drawers) come with books, pots and pans, stuffed animals, blankets, and shoes, to name just a few.

Along with a multitude of items, I've discovered some really great facts.  Did you know:

1. Not all books come with hard thick pages?  Some come with easy-to-tear paper.  Fantastic fun.
2. Pots and pans can be banged together, AND banged against any other thing within reach, including floors and walls?!  Delightful.
3. Stuffed animals are generally light enough to throw halfway across a room? Done and done.
4. Blankets can be strewn completely around oneself such that one can become trapped in a virtual blanket prison?  Infuriating - but test it out - repeatedly, often, and unrelentingly.
5. Shoes can fit under furniture so that Mamamamama and Dadada can only find 1 when they next look for a pair in the shoe drawer?  Serious entertainment.

If you are reading this, you've probably been pulling things off of shelves for years, so I'm sure you'll agree with me that there's basically nothing better (other than waving, high fiving and stacking).

Bottom line:  WHEEE!!!  Shelving boredom since June 2014.