Wednesday 25 June 2014

Destination Review: Vancouver

A mountain making sure the sky doesn't go too far.
Five months ago Mamamamama and Dadada took me to a place called "Florida".  "Florida" was amazing.  It was warm, Grandma and Peepa were there (I just love those two!), and I had a bed, food and lots of attention.  Pretty much all the comforts of home, minus the freezing cold weather.  A++. 

Well just this past week Mamamamama and I left Dadada at home (the bad part) and went to Vancouver to visit Grandpa (the good part).

Vancouver is great!  I had a bed, food and lots of attention.  Plus there were mountains (for those of you unfamiliar with mountains, they are big shadowy things that connect the ground to the sky), and an ocean (best described as a large pool I was not allowed to splash in - though inexplicably a bunch of birds WERE allowed to splash in it - I'm still a little miffed about the injustice of that situation, but I digress...).  We went for lots of walks, met lots of people, snuggled with Grandpa and threw food all over his kitchen floor! 

The biggest drawback to Vancouver was the endless trip there and back.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy waving at every possible person just as much as the next baby, and Mamamamama is a delight to cuddle with - but an estimated 17 hours straight of nothing but waving and cuddling in an "airplane" is enough to drive any baby to fuss and/or nap. 

I wish we could go to Vancouver every week, but would prefer if it relocated to the Park down the street from our house.  That would be much more convenient.

Bottom line:  WHEEE!!!  The next best thing to throwing food all over my own kitchen floor.

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